Wreck Pictures
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Caption: Jura
Headline: Jura
Byline: Markus Bosshard
Keywords: Jura
Caption: M/C Haven
Headline: M/C Haven
Byline: Markus Bosshard
BylineTitle: Freelance Reporter
CaptionWriter: Markus Bosshard
Copyright: Markus Bosshard
Keywords: Milford Haven
City: Genua
ProvinceState: Ligurien
CountryName: Italien
TransmissionReference: Tauch Sport
Caption: P-38 Lightning Flugzeugwrack,
P-38 Lightning Airplane Wreck,
Les Leques, Frankreich 2003.
CaptionWriter: Markus Bosshard
Copyright: © Markus Bosshard ->www.thomhard.com
Keywords: P-38 Lightning
Caption: Giuseppe Tezza TA-35 Wrack,
Rovinj, Kroatien 2004.
CaptionWriter: Markus Bosshard
Copyright: © Markus Bosshard ->www.thomhard.com
Keywords: Giuseppe Tezza TA-35
Caption: Donna Marlin Wreck,
Malapascua, Philippinen 2007.
Byline: Markus Bosshard
BylineTitle: Freelance Reporter
CaptionWriter: Markus Bosshard
Credit: www.thomhard.com
Copyright: © Markus Bosshard ->www.thomhard.com
Source: Philippinen 03\2007
Keywords: Donna Marlin
City: Malapascua
ProvinceState: Visayas
CountryName: Philippinen
Caption: Bettolina of Sestri Levante
Byline: Markus Bosshard
BylineTitle: Freelance Reporter
CaptionWriter: Markus Bosshard
Copyright: Markus Bosshard
Keywords: Bettolina
ProvinceState: Ligurien
CountryName: Italien
TransmissionReference: Tauch Sport
Caption: Baron Gautsch Wrack,
Rovinj, Kroatien 2004.
CaptionWriter: Markus Bosshard
Copyright: © Markus Bosshard ->www.thomhard.com
Keywords: Baron Gautsch
Caption: Vapore (Unknown) Wreck,Steamboat about 40m length
Byline: Markus Bosshard
BylineTitle: Freelance Reporter
CaptionWriter: Markus Bosshard
Copyright: Markus Bosshard
Keywords: Vapore
City: Genua
ProvinceState: Ligurien
CountryName: Italien
TransmissionReference: Tauch Sport
SubLocation: Polo Sub
Caption: Halb gesunkenes Tauchboot,
Half sunken Diveboat,
Marsa Alam, Ägypten 2002.
CaptionWriter: Markus Bosshard
Copyright: © Markus Bosshard ->www.thomhard.com
Keywords: Wreck